Hunt Gwyn


and Arbitration

Capable.     Confidential.    Compassionate.

Are you an attorney or party to a lawsuit looking for an extraordinary option to help you with your dispute who is capable, confidential and cost-effective? Choose someone with over 20 years of experience in a variety of North Carolina Courtrooms who can help you resolve your legal matter. Look no further than Judge Hunt Gwyn.

Before his retirement as a North Carolina Superior Court Judge, Judge Gwyn presided over both civil and criminal cases in twenty different North Carolina counties. Having also served as a Family Court Judge for over eighteen years, he has extensive experience in handling, trying and disposing of a variety of family law matters.

Judge Gwyn is steady, compassionate and understands that legal matters can be costly, stressful and emotionally charged. He will listen impartially to the concerns of both sides and assist both sides to find the best possible outcome for all.

Judge Gwyn is also a dual certified North Carolina Dispute Resolution Commission Family Financial Settlement & Superior Court Mediator. This means that he is trained to help parties resolve their disputes outside of court. Mediation is a confidential process that can help all save time and money.

Judge Gwyn is available to meet with you in person or by phone. He is also available to travel to your location.